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March 21, 2024

Belgium – On March 21, 2024, government leaders and representatives from nuclear  industry and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are gathering in Brussels for the  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Belgian government’s Nuclear Energy  Summit, the world’s highest-level meeting on nuclear energy. The founding members of  the Global Partnership of Nuclear Communities - municipal governments from eighteen  (18) countries represented by Group of European Municipalities with Nuclear Facilities (GMF Europe)1, Energy Communities Alliance (ECA)2 and Canadian Association of Nuclear Host Communities (CANHC)3 are participating in the meeting.

Climate Change and the IAEA’s work supporting clean energy development in local  communities creates the need for this Summit that brings together municipal  governments, industry, national governments

The Declaration of the Global Partnership of Nuclear Communities released at the  meeting highlights the role of local governments and their communities in nuclear  development as partners of the industry and government. GMF Europe’s President the  Mayor of Borsele in the Netherlands, Mr. Gerben Dijksterhuis will highlight the  Declaration during his presentation at the Summit on behalf of the Global Partnership.

Collaboration with International Organizations: We commit to collaborating with  international organizations like the IAEA to educate and coordinate with municipal  governments hosting or interested in hosting nuclear facilities.

Community Engagement: We call on national and regional levels of government in all  countries considering nuclear facilities to actively listen to local communities, engage in  early dialogue, provide resources for participation, and establish partnerships throughout the decision-making, development, operations, closure and decommissioning phases of a nuclear project;

Industry Collaboration: We encourage the nuclear industry to build trust with municipal governments and local communities by working collaboratively, communicating transparently, and promoting the socio-economic development of the region; Sustainable Community Development: We welcome nuclear facilities that contribute to the long-term social and economic well-being of the host community and the region, becoming an integral part of the social and economic fabric of the community;

Support of Regulatory Authorities: We support the regulatory authorities as they engage effectively with local stakeholders to ensure the safe and secure construction and operation of nuclear facilities and the protection of people and the environment from the harmful effects of radiation, now and in the future;

Global Partnership Expansion: We invite municipal governments and other associations of municipal governments from around the world to join the Global Partnership to strengthen our collective voice and expertise in responsible nuclear energy development; and

Review Mechanisms: We encourage the periodic review of host community agreements as well as the review of progress toward the commitments of this Pledge on an annual basis.

Global Partnership Meets at the European Parliament

In addition, yesterday the founding members of the Global Partnership of Nuclear Communities along with representatives of South Korea met at the European Parliament to discuss the expansion of the Global Partnership to include South Korea local municipalities.

Pictured: Members of the Global Partnership with Member of European Parliament Franc Bogovič, IAEA, and Canada’s AECL.

Declaration of the Global Partnership of Nuclear Communities

Declaration of the Global Partnership of Nuclear Communities as developed within the  framework of the first Nuclear Energy Summit organized on 21 March 2024 by the  International Atomic Energy Agency and the Belgian presidency of the Council of the  European Union.


WHEREAS, municipal governments represent communities hosting or interested in  hosting nuclear facilities from around the world are working closely together to educate  their communities and advocate for their communities’ interests; and

WHEREAS, we recognize the growing role of nuclear energy in addressing global clean  energy needs, enhancing energy security and independence, and boosting economic  development; and

WHEREAS, the deployment and operation of nuclear technologies must be safe, secure  and sustainable; and

WHEREAS, the IAEA’s work supporting clean energy development in local communities  creates a forum that brings together municipal governments, industry, national  governments and others to facilitate the sharing of successes and promotion of lessons  learned; and

WHEREAS, because all nuclear facilities have a local impact, elected municipal  government representatives play a crucial role in hosting nuclear projects which in turn  generate major regional economic activity with socially significant benefits, thus  contributing to community well-being; and

WHEREAS, the IAEA’s five key principles throughout the life cycle of all nuclear facilities:  1) building trust; 2) demonstrating accountability; 3) exhibiting open and transparent  communication; 4) practicing early and frequent consultation and 5) communicating  benefits and risks are fundamental to integrating a nuclear facility into its community;  and

WHEREAS, though municipalities may have differences in their structures, capacities  and cultures, municipalities of the Global Partnership will always share common goals  and aspirations.


Collaboration with International Organizations: We commit to collaborating with  international organizations like the IAEA to educate and coordinate with municipal  governments hosting or interested in hosting nuclear facilities. We will share  experiences and work together to enhance our capacities in managing and engaging  with nuclear projects, acknowledging the unique circumstances of each government;

Community Engagement: We call on national and regional levels of government in all  countries considering nuclear facilities to actively listen to local communities, engage in  early dialogue, provide resources for participation, and establish partnerships  throughout the decision-making, development, operations, closure and  decommissioning phases of a nuclear project;

Industry Collaboration: We encourage the nuclear industry to build trust with municipal  governments and local communities by working collaboratively, communicating  transparently, and promoting the socio-economic development of the region;

Sustainable Community Development: We welcome nuclear facilities that contribute to  the long-term social and economic well-being of the host community and the region,  becoming an integral part of the social and economic fabric of the community;

Support of Regulatory Authorities: We support the regulatory authorities as they  engage effectively with local stakeholders to ensure the safe and secure construction  and operation of nuclear facilities and the protection of people and the environment  from the harmful effects of radiation, now and in the future;  

Global Partnership Expansion: We invite municipal governments and other associations  of municipal governments from around the world to join the Global Partnership to  strengthen our collective voice and expertise in responsible nuclear energy  development; and

Review Mechanisms: We encourage the periodic review of host community agreements  as well as the review of progress toward the commitments of this Pledge on an annual  basis.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the founding members of the Global Partnership have hereunto  signed this declaration on this 21 of March 2024.

1 GMF Europe members include municipalities from: Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France,  Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine,  United Kingdom.

2 ECA members include municipalities from the United States of America.

3 CANHC members include municipalities from Canada.